Loans in our time have become commonplace. And we no longer just go to the store and buy expensive equipment or a fur coat, we immediately go to the bank and take a cash loan. And we do not understand that we are not insured from unforeseen circumstances. We do not understand that if we begin financial difficulties, we will have problems with the bank.
How to get rid of loans
We will be stolen with a variety of debts, and when we feel that we are not able to pay already to understand that it was most likely not to take loans at all. But what to do if you are already in such a situation? How to get rid of loans?
First of all, do not immediately panic. Better keep calm. So it will be easier for you to assess the situation.
If you have large loans, and you understand that you have nothing to pay than even the minimum payment, you should not wait for banks to charge you fines. Better warn all banks that you are in financial difficulties and ask for a delay or restructuring.
Of course, almost any bank will meet you if you have been laid off at work. And most likely you will be granted a reprieve. But if you quit yourself or you simply do not have enough funds to pay off all the loans, it will be a little more difficult. Then you will need to provide the necessary documents on earnings, disability.
How to get rid of loans
If you are overdue on loans for more than a month, then you should wait not only for calls, but for visits from collectors. Usually banks do not sell debts to collectors if the loan is overdue for less than three months. But banks are different and each bank has its own rules.
In addition, if you contacted the MFI (which is essentially not a bank), be sure that they will sell your debt much earlier.
Collector visits can upset almost anyone. Some debt collectors are very rude and will go to great lengths to get you out of debt. However, their actions are not legal and no one has the right to yell at you, intimidate or threaten you.
Don’t be afraid! It’s best to call the police right away. Because it is a violation of human rights. And sue the banks. Better not wait until they sue you. Be the first to sue.
Remember, if you have a really serious financial situation, the law will be on your side. The court usually lowers the interest rate and gives installments to pay the debt.
And if you were also threatened, and at the same time you have evidence in the form of a recording of telephone conversations, then you can safely file a claim for moral damage. The truth will be on your side.
How to get rid of loans
If you cannot afford a lawyer or you yourself want to pay off loans as soon as possible, you can look for work with a daily or weekly payment. You can find this kind of work on the Internet. This will help you meet the minimum payments until you find a decent job for yourself.
Remember that any situation can be taken under control. Even your large debts. The main thing is to remain calm and act. Then you really get rid of loans.