When increased humidity is constantly present in the house, mold may appear on a tree. In order to remove it, it will be necessary to use special products called antiseptics. If you decide to use copper sulfate, then they will need to process the surface of the wooden wall repeatedly.
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Most often, people constantly ventilate the room in order not only to reduce humidity to the house, but also with its negative effects on wooden surfaces to dry them.
Mold on wooden walls can appear not only in old buildings, but also in those houses that were built recently. In addition, if you suddenly saw that the first signs of mold appeared on the wooden walls, then you do not need to wait for them to grow and act instantly.
The first thing you will have to do is eliminate the main reason. Such a reason may be a pipe that gave a small leak or a faulty faucet. Once the cause of high humidity has been eliminated, you can use special products that will help get rid of mold on wood.